Found 11 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Simulation
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
From MacWorld: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is the latest installment of the hugely popular music game in which you assume the role of the lead guitarist of an up-and-coming rock band. You must hit the right notes at the right time to...
Radar report! Three objects on scope, nearest 990 units, speed 15 knots, course 180°! Up periscope! Enemy destroyer!! Dive! Dive! You’re in command of USS Growler(SS215), a World War II fleet submarine of the Gato class in this exciting...
Gravitation Ltd.
Game of Life Pack for Early Macs
Bill's Life v1.0 (1984) by Bill Atkinson LAZLife v2.0c (1986) by Larry Hutchinson Life Hack v1.0 (1987) by George Maydwell NuLife v1.1 (1985?) by Dennis C. De Mars
Ghost Master
GodGame is a simulation environment shareware. It's simple yet more complex than the traditional "life" simulation. The GodGame allows 1 - 4 players to create a small planet and to populate it with their chosen peoples. ...
Gotcha is a simulation game where you can design an arena and then run the simulation. The goal is to have your robots tag the other player's robots without getting tagged by them or by the overall ennemy "bugs".
Golf Mac Way
Golf Mac Way is a simple golf simulation game. You can choose your club type and size and swing. There are a couple B&W sceneries and that's about it. There is no animation besides the 2-frames flag weaving :P
Garage Inc
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