Found 10 software entries
beginning with: "Q"
from category: Top Down
Quest Of Yipe! (I, II, III)
Quest of Yipe is a basic RPG featuring crude color 2D sprites (no animation) and sound effects. You can equip your character with a weapon and an armor. There are multiple ennemies you can randomly encounter while moving around in the...
Quark 1.0
Quark is an enhanced clone of asteroids where you play as Commander Ted Willis of the Rebel alliance who is tasked with fighting the Quark alliance an evil allien alliance who has enslaved earth to mine up a rare mineral Xericomium which powers...
Quo Vadis
A simple 10-tile puzzle also known as Klotski.
Quartzeroids 2
Quark/Hadron (Arizona Software)
Queen's Wish: The Conqueror
Queen's Wish: The Conqueror Queen's Wish: The Conqueror is the first chapter in our new indie fantasy role-playing epic. Wander free through an enormous world, sink into a fascinating story full of surprises and interesting decisions, and...
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