Found 4 software entries in Games beginning with: "F" from category: Fantasy + Interactive Fiction

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 (1985)
(Modified on 2024-09-17 17:10:38)

Based on Ray Bradbury's classic science fiction novel Fahrenheit 451. In a not so distant future, books have become illegal. As Fireman Guy Montag, the player's role is not to save houses, but to burn them for the books inside....

Forbidden Quest

Forbidden Quest (1984)
(Modified on 2023-05-01 20:45:29)

A text adventure game that provides additional clues in the form of five printed illustrations depicting different locations in the adventure. The game spans more than 100 locations on two starships and three planets. Up to six pages of text can be...

Foggywood Hijinx

Foggywood Hijinx (1998)
(Added on 2017-01-17 17:27:44)

Foggywood Hijinx is a text based fiction adventure game for Macintosh. Poor Uncle Foggy.  He was the best guardian any kid could ever ask for.  After your parents died in that freak waterbed accident, Uncle Foggy practically raised you...

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