Found 39 software entries in Games beginning with: "F" from category: Top Down


Flip-O-Matic! (1997)
(Modified on 2023-06-26 16:05:22)

This is yet another clone of Othello, that piece flipping game by Gabriel. Since the game existed before Gabriel printed the version known as Othello, there is no copyright infringement if I use a different name. Anyway, I think that's the way...


Fifteens (1988)
(Modified on 2021-10-27 07:51:56)

Fifteen cards is a B&W cards game where you have to discard groups whose cards values total fifteen.  In Fifteens, the cards are dealt face up in three rows of five cards each.  Discard kings, queens, jacks, and tens in quartets of the...


FTBL (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-13 20:47:06)

This is a simple Football simulation with stats from the start of the 1995 NFL season.  It is a minimal conversion of a program I wrote for the Color Computer 3, and compiled using FutureBasic. New FEATURES in this version: Team...

Fly Swatter

Fly Swatter (1996)
(Modified on 2023-11-26 05:13:58)

   Here's Fly Swatter 2.0 (version 1 never left my hard disk). Fly Swatter is a fairly primitive game that I originally wrote a few years ago.  A couple of friends thought it might be worth releasing.  So what the heck, I...

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