Found 6 software entries in Games beginning with: "M" from category: Side Scrolling

Meat Gone Bad

Meat Gone Bad (1996)
(Modified on 2016-09-09 03:41:46)

Meat Gone Bad is an arcade game similar to Space Invaders but with even more action.  You're a mustard container squirting at various meats going bad, trying to dodge salad and such.  Meat Gone Bad is fast paced and features multiple...

Mario Is Missing!

Mario Is Missing! (1992)
(Modified on 2024-02-09 00:21:51)

Bowser, the token bad guy from the Mario Bros. series, is up to no good again in this educational game designed to teach children geography. This time he's set up his headquarters in Antarctica and created portals to 25 famous cities around the...

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