Found 4 software entries in Games beginning with: "V" from category: Action

Virtual Valerie 2

Virtual Valerie 2 (1995)
(Modified on 2020-04-13 02:06:41)

“Virtual Valerie gunned her Ram-Hog down the Infobahn, avoiding cybercops and the netsex police, but she still had time to turn a tele-trick or two.” Virtual Valerie 2 is the sequel to Virtual Valerie. VV2 features 3D graphics, more...

Virtual Pong

Virtual Pong (1997)
(Modified on 2023-09-21 15:16:55)

In Virtual Pong, your mission is to bounce balls using your paddle past your opponent's paddle. Each player control's his/her paddle with keys up, down, and speed-up. Virtual Pong can be played in head-to-head mode (two players on one...

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