Found 3 software entries in Games beginning with: "W" from category: Card & Casino

War of Flowers

War of Flowers (1993)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 14:19:50)

War of Flowers is a Hanafuda simulation. This popular card game from Japan sees players matching cards the represent the seasons and attempting to gether enough of one type to score points and win a set. The first download is 2.0.9 which will...


WizSolitaire (2005)
(Modified on 2023-09-17 09:59:44)

Wiz Solitaire is a collection of 30 card games in the classic style, as in the famous Freecell and Windows Solitaire. It has a customizable interface that allows you to choose your own card table background image. The program has several options,...

World of Blackjack

World of Blackjack (2009)
(Modified on 2023-12-17 17:42:42)

Prepare for any casino visit or just have fun mastering the world's favorite table game in Blackjack World Pro. Six beautiful casinos have been included: Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas Downtown, Reno, Atlantic City, Monte Carlo, and Macao....

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