Found 11 software entries in Games beginning with: "W" from category: 3rd Person

Wipeout 2097

Wipeout 2097 (2002)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 08:06:25)

Wipeout 2097 gives you pure arcade racing for the next century. A classic 3-D arcade experience available for the Mac, Wipeout 2097 is packed with all-action features--a technical tour de force that's fully optimized for 3-D. With...

Watership Down 2 - Unten am Fluss

Watership Down 2 - Unten am Fluss (2001)
(Modified on 2023-09-05 23:12:17)

Basically, "Watership Down 2. Unten am Fluss. Neues Zuhause - Neue Gefahren" is a children's game from ages 7 to 12 in German language, with mini games embedded into a story. For example, on the one adventure-like scene, pick up a...


WaterRace (2000)
(Modified on 2024-08-19 23:58:37)

WaterRace is shipping! WaterRace is an offshore racing game with unique characters, levels and ships, each having their own technical characteristics. Mastering the different ships and levels is an extraordinary challenge. The beauty and the...

Winter Games

Winter Games (1985)
(Modified on 2023-02-20 22:24:49)

So what if the next Winter Olympics won't be held until 1988? Mac owners can hold their own Winter Games whenever they want to—and the snow on those slopes is guaranteed not to melt, even on the hottest August afternoon. This...

Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior (1996)
(Modified on 2023-05-09 22:08:21)

Weekend Warrior is a gameshow where you assume the identity of an ordinary, everyday character and enter a challenging 3D arena. Cash and prizes can be yours by escaping traps, completing missions and pummeling other contestants info...

Winnie the Pooh Preschool

Winnie the Pooh Preschool (2000)
(Modified on 2024-08-28 12:56:37)

Waking up from a nap in the Hundred Acre Wood, a puzzled Winnie the Pooh has the feeling he's forgotten something important and somehow arrives at the idea that it must be Eeyore's birthday. The player follows Pooh in his journey around the...

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