Found 10 software entries
beginning with: "J"
from category: Top Down
Jewel of Arabia: Dreamers
Jumping Steve
Jellybean Fugue
JauntTrooper - Mission: Firestorm
Juggler II
JUXTO is a game of pure skill and logic. Your objective is to correctly push the different colored objects into their respective wire frames at the bottom of the game board. Careful planning is required because the objects will continue to slide in...
“Sokoban” is Japanese for “warehouse keeper”. The object of the game is to rearrange the money bags to their destination positions on each level. Winning the game involves solving all the levels.
Josh's Apple Game
Josh's Apple Game is about as straight forward as a game can get. Josh is a little doggie. He needs your help to catch the apple's falling from his apple tree. You lead him back and forth across the screen to catch apples, using your mouse....
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