Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Platform
Another World (aka Out of This World)
Another World is a revolutionary game on its time, with an animation engine which in some moments seems to be a 3D game seen in a 2D perspective, Another World reminds the mechanics seen on Prince of Persia. The cinematics are incredible. You are a...
And Yet It Moves
Alex the Allegator 4
Alex the Allegator 4 is a pure jump'n'run, just like the old classic platform games. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her. The game is not very big, but it holds...
Arcade America
Agent QT Pie
This is an unreleased game from Monkey Farm Software! Super rare! You play as a character who kind of looks like Kirby. After terrorists kidnap the monkey chief's son you must rescue him. It's a pretty cool platformer game. I really...
Adventures on Pirate Isle
Android Demo
Alien Conspiracy
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