Found 21 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Text based
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The bulldozer is coming, and so is the end of the world, hut with that hangover you hardly care. If you manage to survive the hangover, you discover that your house is about to be demolished to make way for a highway And as if that weren't...
Trinity (Infocom)
The Lost Treasures of Infocom I + II
Images of discs with dual DOS+Mac ISO images
The Lurking Horror
The Comedy Collection - Infocom Interactive Fiction
TOAST image for MAC and PC installs: Ballyhoo Bureaucracy Hollywood Hijinx Planetfall Zork I
Trek Trivia II
The Forbidden Towers
"The Forbidden Towers" by Carol Gaskin made into a HyperCard Player app in 2019. Features crude B&W bitmap graphics and many lines of text that unfortunately are unreadable.
The Perfect Couple
The Mystical Caverns of Zen
From the Read Me file: In the beginning, the world was dark and without purpose, John Doe was not even a figment of a nonexistent mind. Then John came to being, and I looked upon John and saw that he was good. But soon his life was to be...
The Queen's Footsteps
Today is August 27th, 1904. Nine months ago, you, Emilia Vittorini, joined the Italian Archeological Expedition in Egypt led by Ernesto Schiaparelli, the director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. You are now back in Genova, Italy: your steam ferry...
The Incredible Story Maker
The Witness
The Witness is a full-text adventure casts the player as a detective assigned to get to the bottom of a death threat. When the victim is killed, you have only one night to find the real guilty party. Unknown Author. (December 1985)....
The Dungeons of Dunjin
The Trial of OIiver North
The Trial of Oliver North is a text based adventure game made an Advanced Pascal university project in 1989. The following people were the members of the analysis, design and implementation group: Hal Baird, Bonnie Curbello, Jim Emmons, Steve...
The Delphi Chronicles (DEMO)
The Delphi Chronicles is a text based adventure/puzzle game (with some click events) that allows you to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the four scientists at Alpha Sirius I on the planet Mars. The Delphi Chronicles allows you to...
The Classic 12: Scott Adams' Adventures
The Master Guesser
The Master Guesser is a very crude/simple text based game in which you tell it how many possible numbers to choose from and how many maximum tries it will let you guess the random number it will generate. That's it. This game's...
The puzzle piece search
World Builder adventure game made by an 8 year old.
The Journey
The Journey is a text based adventure game for easly B&W Macs. You're in a crashed ship and have to find a way to repair it.
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