Found 60 software entries
beginning with: "L"
from category: Early Childhood
Little Bear: Rainy Day Activities
Loewenzahn 3 - 2005 edition
Loewenzahn 1 - 2005 edition
Loewenzahn 6
La Boîte à Bidules de l'oncle Ernest
The childrens explore a strange box they found in uncle Albert’s attic chamber. Three mechanical toys make it alive, which has been tinkered by uncle Albert long time ago. There are Guguss the monkey, Bébert the dog and Toto the robot....
Loewenzahn 8
Loewenzahn 2
Loewenzahn 3
Documentary CD ROM for children from 6 years on to teach about nature, surrounding world and technology. This disc covers the following themes: Knights and castles Clocks and time Magnets Puppet theatre Hares, rabbits,...
Loewenzahn 5
Loewenzahn 7
Lego Star Wars
Lego Star Wars combine the mythology, characters and scenery of the legendary Star Wars movies with the popular building block toy. You can play through the entire story of Star Wars Episodes I, II and III using Lego toys. (Macworld) Info:...
Learning Voyage Grade 4: Swamped! (aka Davidson's Learning Center Series: 4th Grade)
Lauras Sternenreise: Eine Abenteuerreise durch das Weltall
With this CD-ROM, now all little fans of the picture books can actively participate in the adventures of Laura. Laura's Journey to the Stars is simple and leads straight through the story of a little girl who rescues a star. The little...
Lua Lua
Prepare your little ones to feel like the VIPs they are, when playing Lua Lua games! It’s a particularly pleasing pack of 6 games for kids ages 3 to 7. Designed for easy play using a “win win” concept, Lua Lua includes cute and...
Leap Into Phonics
Löwenzahn 2 - Erde - Wasser - Luft
Löwenzahn 1 - Geschichten aus Natur, Umwelt und Technik
Leg Gemmeleg med Mumitroldene
Let's Explore the Jungle with Buzzy
Loewenzahn Adventskalender
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