Found 19 software entries in Games from category: Source port


GZDoom (2016)
(Modified on 2024-07-29 17:36:09)

GZDoom is a Doom source port based on ZDoom. It features an OpenGL renderer and lots of new features, among them: 3D floors Dynamic lights Quake2/Unreal style skyboxes True color texture support Model support (limited at the...


ZDoom (1998)
(Modified on 2023-09-09 19:50:09)

zDoom is a source port of Doom and Doom II that is considered very advanced. It supports Boom's editing extensions, plus all of the extensions made in the version of the Doom engine used in Hexen: Beyond Heretic, as well as...

Marathon: Aleph One

Marathon: Aleph One (2000)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 08:29:26)

Aleph One is a free open-source FPS engine based on Marathon 2.  Aleph One (FKA Marathon Open Source Project) is a project that started in the year 2000 when Bungie released the source code for Marathon rigth before Microsoft acquired...

Rise Of The Triad for Mac OS X

Rise Of The Triad for Mac OS X (2003)
(Modified on 2024-03-10 20:21:47)

ROTT, or "Rise of the Triad", is a first-person shooter for the PC, dating back to 1995, with some very innovative features and still enjoyable to play today, despite its graphics engine which is largely based on Wolfenstein 3D. As a 2002...

Doom Legacy for OS X

Doom Legacy for OS X (2004)
(Modified on 2023-07-10 23:00:01)

This is one of the most popular Doom source ports. It is available for DOS, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, and should build on any POSIX platform which supports SDL. It enhances Doom with things like TCP/IP networking, OpenGL renderer, Heretic support...


Heretic (1999)
(Modified on 2024-03-10 22:22:36)

Heretic is a mid 90's 3D computer game, based on the Doom engine, released for DOS in 1994.  It was never officially released for Macintosh, although Hexen, Heretic's sequel, was. This unofficial 1999 port by Brad Oliver lets you...

GLHexen 2

GLHexen 2 (2000)
(Modified on 2024-03-10 21:29:14)

Back in 1997, Raven Software released Hexen 2 for Windows 95, but the game never made it to the Mac. They have since released the source code, so we are able to bring you a MacOS version of Hexen 2 at last! Author's website See...


PrBoom (2000)
(Modified on 2023-09-09 19:53:45)

PrBoom is a source port of Doom based on Boom and LxDoom. Mac OS X port by - Neil Stevens See also: ZDoom, GZDoom, Doomsday Engine, Doom Legacy (Classic/OSX)

xu4 - Ultima IV Recreated

xu4 - Ultima IV Recreated (2005)
(Modified on 2023-08-07 21:45:49)

XU4 is a remake of the computer game Ultima IV. The goal is to make it easy and convenient to play this classic on modern operating systems. XU4 is primarily inspired by the much more ambitious project Exult. XU4 is a cross-platform application...

Doomsday Engine Ports

Doomsday Engine Ports (1999)
(Modified on 2023-07-07 23:39:00)

The Doomsday Engine is a greatly enhanced DOOM source port available for Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu and most other Unix platforms. Doomsday supports many games including the classic first-person shooters DOOM, Heretic and Hexen. It aims to retain...

Wolf4SDL (Wolfenstein 3D Source port)

Wolf4SDL (Wolfenstein 3D Source port) (2007)
(Modified on 2023-08-27 15:55:06)

Wolf4SDL is the definitive source port for the classic Wolfenstein 3D for DOS experience. Wolf4SDL retains the original gameplay and style of Wolf3D and Spear of Destiny, while being able to be run without the need for DOS emulation! Bug fixes...

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