Found 5 software entries in Games from category: Metroidvania


Aquaria (2008)
(Modified on 2023-08-21 22:59:20)

Naija lives in a city on a rock floating high in the sky. She dreams of the ocean, painting pictures of the distant fascination she can never reach. One day the city is hit by meteors and she tumbles down into the endless depths of the object of her...


Rochard (2011)
(Modified on 2024-08-03 10:28:52)

Rochard is a side-scrolling science-fiction platformer where the player takes the titular role of John Rochard, an astrominer in search of his missing crew. With his gravity-manipulating G-Lifter device and his wits, he needs to solve tricky...


Bloodlust (1999)
(Modified on 2024-08-03 10:23:16)

It is the year 3861 and you are a space pirate returning to your home planet after many months spent in deep space.  Upon entering the planet's atmosphere it becomes clear all is not as it once was.  Cities are ruined and there are no...

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