Found 9 software entries
from category: Cooperative
Wonder Crackers "Perfect"
From Kijibato's homepage circa 2003: Wonder cracker is the dual playable action game. You must make complete them break through all world. In order to complete, you have to solve mysteries of this world and beat the huge Gate Keepers.
Defender of Zaarg (DoZ)
The year is 2666 and Earth is being invaded by the Eggy people. Space has turned into a two-dimensional rectangle where the player must fight endless evil thugs. DoZ is an arena space shooter. Battle through stages of increasing difficulty and...
Ingemar's Skiing Game
Slalom game for two or more players. When I first heard about MacSki, I was a bit worried, wondering if it would make ISG (which was then at version 0.9) obsolete, but when I tried it, I found that the two games have the emphasis on...
MacBomber is an open source 3D Bomberman Clone for Mac OS X. It's heavily inspired by Clanbomber, which is a great Bomberman Clone for Linux. Features include: Support for up to four players. More than 30 Maps (original clanbomber...
This is a game for 1 - 4 players played on a pie-shaped game area that is divided into wedges of equal size. The object is to correctly repeat a longer and longer sequence of signals. The game is an enhanced adaptation of the...
is a 2-player, 1-controller game about nazis and relationships.
Two helicopters fly around trying to shoot each other. Requires 2 players.
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