Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "H"
from category: Flight Simulation
Hellcats Over the Pacific
With simplified controls and randomized fictional mission objectives, you pilot the F6F Hellcat aircraft into combat at the Battle of Guadalcanal.
Hellcats: Missions at Leyte Gulf
Hellcats: Missions at Leyte Gulf is the sequel to Hellcats Over The Pacific (HotP). You are a naval pilot of the F6F "Hellcat" in one of the best early 3D rendered open-world flight simulators. After this project, Graphic...
Harrier Strike Mission
"Harrier to command carrier, I am approaching target island. Register enemy aircraft approaching at rapid speed, location ten o'clock, closing. Wait... 1 detect missile launch, location corresponding to enemy position. Am releasing flare...
HIND - The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation
Hind is a simulation of the Soviet Mi-24 helicopter (codenamed "Hind" by NATO and nicknamed "Flying Tank" by Soviet troops), and the followup to Apache. It features most of the same options, including the ability to change...
Harrier Strike Mission II
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