Found 8 software entries in Games beginning with: "B" from category: Space


battle-girl (1997)
(Modified on 2023-04-21 18:12:09)

battle-girl is a top-down vector based shooter, boasting furious gameplay, a superb soundtrack, and visuals that while not complex, still manage to look superb. Move and shoot in whatever direction seems suitable and blast through countless...

Bedlam 2

Bedlam 2 (1997)
(Modified on 2022-05-13 17:20:34)

The year is 2317... and they're back! Bedlam 2 is the sequel to Bedlam.  It's a Space Invaders kind of vertical shooter.  Bedlam 2 features nice pre-rendered color sprite animations similar to other Mac shareware games in the...


Bedlam (1994)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 15:16:07)

Bedlam is a Space Invaders kind of vertical shooter game. See also the color sequel: Bedlam 2 (Not to be confused with Bedlam by GT Interactive.)  

Blaster Jets

Blaster Jets (1999)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 15:10:34)

A side on arcade shooter. The player attempts to protect their planets from the onslaught of incoming hostile ships. A very simple title that at best guess, was probably made in Klik & Play. This copy is unregistered and so imposes a few...

Battle for the Planets

Battle for the Planets (1997)
(Modified on 2018-03-18 22:42:17)

A multiplayer  arcade fighting game in space, with controls similar to Escape Velocity (tank controls). You can explore (or order from bases) to find more weapons, ammo, and special single use items to help you win.

Balloon Man 2

Balloon Man 2 (1996)
(Modified on 2016-01-08 17:14:04)

Balloon Man 2.0.1 is a game where you incarnate a balloon. You must fly in space collecting computer disks and avoid touching the sharp stars. When you have collected a specified amount of disks, you advance to the next level. The unregistered...


BazFaz (1992)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 15:10:58)

BazFaz is a crude arcade Maelstrom type of game where you control a ship in space and shoot at ennemies while trying to dodge their bullets and other space dangers like black holes and bullets coming your way.  Just like the other games of the...

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