Found 36 software entries in Games beginning with: "B" from category: Card & Casino

Black Jack Trainer 3.0

Black Jack Trainer 3.0 (1988)
(Added on 2017-02-23 11:27:01)

Black Jack Trainer 3.0 is a small B&W Black Jack game in which you learn the basics of risk taking by clicking on HIT, STAY, DOUBLE or SPLIT and being presented with what the computer AI would have chosen if it were you.  You cumulate the...

Bingo Caller

Bingo Caller (1999)
(Modified on 2023-07-31 14:45:07)

Bingo Caller is a HyperCard stack that lets everybody play bingo. Bingo Cards is included to generate Bingo Card sheets for your use. Great fun at parties!!! Apple's text to speech software is required. Macs like playing bingo, so there's...

Bingo Buddies

Bingo Buddies (1999)
(Modified on 2023-12-16 12:13:57)

BINGO BUDDIES is a fun way to enjoy Bingo by yourself or with the entire family. Your objective is to first play against your three Bingo Buddies in order to accumulate some cash for your bankroll in order to play in other locations. In the Bingo...

Blackjack (Dave Dickel)

Blackjack (Dave Dickel) (1987)
(Modified on 2023-12-17 23:38:41)

Ever since I bought my Macintosh, I have been very disappointed by the lack of quality Blackjack programs written for it. None of the programs that I have seen have been able to combine adequate graphics, flexibility of rules and realism to my...

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