Found 23 software entries
beginning with: "B"
from category: Simulation
Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition
Balance of Power is a Geopolitical strategy game based upon tensions in a Cold-War-like planet. Play as the United States or the USSR to compete for political hegemony! See also: Balance of Power (1985)
Black & White 2 plus Battle of the Gods
Black & White 2 The sequel to Lionhead's open-ended god game, Black & White, attempts to offer more focused gameplay and larger scale. The player assumes yet again the role of a God and chooses if he will be Good, Evil or...
Bomber III
Without this booklet you won't be able to find your targets, I just fond this (Nov 2021) at the bottom of an old box of mac games its about 35 years old and the key to play this mac classic! Should be the same for Bomber I & III (not sure if...
Build-a-lot 2: Town of the Year
Build-a-lot 3: Passport to Europe
Bass Avenger
Balance of Power
Balance of Power is the world's first computer peacegame. This simulation allows players to become either the President of the United States or General Secretary of the Soviet Union. Extraordinary artificial intelligence routines and general...
Bataille Navale
Bugglings is a life kind of simulator. 5 types of living organisms (identified by a different color) are competing in a test tube where there is food and optional radiation. The cells move around, eat food, reproduce and kill other...
Mac Bowl-A-Rama is a super crude 2D top down view bowling simulation. The ball goes back and forth from a side of the alley to the other and back. You simply press the space bar to launch the ball straight ahead and hope to hit the...
A very pointless "game" where you click on a man to dismember him in a very cartoon-like manner.
Billiard Parlour
The showpiece of the public domain game collection is Billiard Parlour; an impressive simulation that converts the Mac's screen into a pool table (see Figure 4). Created at Reed College by Richard Crandall, Scott Gillespie, and S. Lew using...
A crossover parody of Bill Gates and Tickle-Me-Elmo.
Blind Watchmaker
In the 1986 book "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins, the author constructs arguments that refute the premise of the creationist theory of 'intelligent design' that complexity implies design. One heavily...
Baron: The Real Estate Simulation
A real-estate investment simulation game for one player. You begin with $35,000 and attempt to make a million dollars by speculating in the real-estate market. One session covers 60 weeks of activity. Each month you review the newspaper, examine...
Tamagotchi simulator for classic mac os released in 1998.
Balance of the Planet
Intended as a learning tool for adults, Balance of the Planet is an ecological-simulation game with the player cast in the role of a UN administrator responsible for improving the ecology by levying taxes on polluting industries and setting...
A simple economy management game, similar to Hamurabi. .
Big Job
Build'em! Drive'em! The biggest, coolest trucks around. Welcome to Big Job! You're in charge as you enjoy a world of action-packed construction, farming and fire rescue adventures. Get behind the wheel of a Big Rig that you drive! Lots...
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