Found 33 software entries in Games beginning with: "L" from category: Point & Click


Loom (1990)
(Modified on 2023-09-25 13:58:26)

Loom, from Lucasfilm Games, is the finest Mac adventure game I’ve seen to date. The color graphics are always interesting or arresting. The excellent sound and music suit the story, and the simplified interface means that you don’t have...

LucasArts Mac CD Game Pack

LucasArts Mac CD Game Pack (1992)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:18:22)

This was a collection of old Lucasarts titles which was OEM bundled with a lot of CD drives for Macs in the early nineties. It contains: The Secret of Monkey Island (v.1.0) Indiana Jones and The Last...

La Ferme de Paille la Canaille

La Ferme de Paille la Canaille (2002)
(Modified on 2023-10-22 00:11:59)

This French game introduces children to farm life over the four seasons. The scarecrow Paille la Canaille interrupts periodically by submitting charades, riddles and anecdotes to the child. The grandfather Anatole sets tasks in which the child...

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