Found 33 software entries
beginning with: "L"
from category: Point & Click
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Color)
Remake in color and VGA graphics of the first adventure of Larry Laffer, not much to say, identical in action and riddles, new interface with icons instead of the parser, updated sounds and music, for the nostalgic player a good time...
Loom, from Lucasfilm Games, is the finest Mac adventure game I’ve seen to date. The color graphics are always interesting or arresting. The excellent sound and music suit the story, and the simplified interface means that you don’t have...
Loewenzahn 2
Les Guignols de l'Info ...LE JEU !
This game is from the french television show Guignols de l'Info broadcast on Canal + in nineties ! Le joueur incarne un journaliste débutant à la World Compay qui tente de progresser dans la...
Le cauchemar de PPD
This game is from the french television show Guignols de l'Info broadcast on Canal + in nineties !
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!
The 5th adventure of Larry, this time our hero is a "winner" (not a typo) because the trip he wins to a luxury spa resort is anything but relaxing...women just won't let him be !!! Crazy, demanding and always beautiful (and some with...
Lost and Found: Another Joe Average Adventure
Lenny and Rita
LucasArts Adventure Pack (Japanese)
This is a retail bundle of three LucasArts games localized into Japanese. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures The Dig
La Casa de la Ciencia de Sammy
"La Casa de la Ciencia de Sammy" es un software educativo que introduce a los niños a las Ciencias Naturales Básicas, de manera entretenida. See also: English version
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (B&W)
Lost and Found
Another HyperCard adventure from Prisim Software featuring Joe Average. This is a particually big one, and took over a year to make
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (original)
Little Critter and the Great Race
LucasArts Mac CD Game Pack
This was a collection of old Lucasarts titles which was OEM bundled with a lot of CD drives for Macs in the early nineties. It contains: The Secret of Monkey Island (v.1.0) Indiana Jones and The Last...
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work
Loewenzahn Adventskalender
Lek gjemsel med Mummitrollet! (Scandinavian)
Hide and Seek with Moomin is a game Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.
La Ferme de Paille la Canaille
This French game introduces children to farm life over the four seasons. The scarecrow Paille la Canaille interrupts periodically by submitting charades, riddles and anecdotes to the child. The grandfather Anatole sets tasks in which the child...
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