Found 9 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Trivia & Quiz
Simpsons The Game 3.0
A little Simpsons trivia game created with GameMaker, increasing in difficulty the further you provide it with good answers.
Star Trek Trivia Quiz
Star Trek Quiz Trivia is a... simple trivia quiz game about Star Trek for early B&W Macs.
Saturday Night Live Goes Political
It’s hard to believe, but Saturday Night Live has survived 20 years of dishing up some pret- ty sketchy sketch comedy. Often times it made us laugh hysterically, but just as often, it made us wonder why. Amazingly, Berkeley Systems manages to...
Star Trek: The Game Show
Star Trek enthusiasts have a reputation for knowing every minor detail about the lineage. Here's the chance to prove it. Star Trek: The Game Show is an interactive quiz show hosted by recurring character Q (played by John de...
Super Munchers
Simpsons Games
ScreenTest - The Movie Trivia Game
ScreenTest is a movie trivia game to test your knowledge with quotes from more than 400 movies. We give you the quote, you name the movie. Each game consists of 20 quotes for you to identify. A "Hint" button is available if you...
Scholastic Challenge
Scholastic Challenge is a shareware SuperCard Standalone application that provides educators with a fun, interactive quiz game. The software has the following features: Automatic Scoring. Automatic Timer. Support for up to 6...
Smart Move
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