Found 152 software entries in Games beginning with: "S" from category: Arcade


Slithereens (1998)
(Modified on 2024-08-01 18:05:28)

From CNET: "Psychologists say that the limbic system controls the basic instincts for survival: feeding, fighting, self-preservation, and reproduction. Now there's a game that taps directly into these primal instincts: Slithereens, the...

Sky Shadow

Sky Shadow (1990)
(Modified on 2023-03-16 17:30:27)

Side-scroller; fly a spaceship on bombing raids over enemy territory, dodging and/or shooting enemy ships and collecting power-ups; land (carefully) on your own turf; repeat. Graphics and sound quite good, but silly. The most fun, when you can...

Solarian II

Solarian II (1988)
(Modified on 2023-07-31 23:54:05)

Solarian II is a timeless mouse controlled 'space shooter' game, and one of the first in the platform to have color! The developer Ben Haller has an active site:

Super Ships II

Super Ships II (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-26 16:55:43)

Super Ships II is an arena ship shooter. Up to 8 players face off in the vaccume of space with 20 pre-made crafts, and as many more as you might care to design. Each ship has unique stats and varying special weapons. Some are offensive, some are...


SkullCracker (1996)
(Modified on 2023-10-17 00:20:46)

Skull Cracker can be considered the spiritual successor to the 1991 title Creepy Castle that Bill Appleton wrote for Reactor Inc. The game is set in an alternate world where it is normal to see zombies and monsters roam the streets. They...


StuntCopter (1986)
(Modified on 2023-05-03 16:50:50)

StuntCopter is a very well-known Macintosh game in which you guide a helicopter using the mouse and attempt to drop your stunt man (by clicking the mouse) into the back of the cart driving on the ground. It is important to account for the movement...


Stereodrome (1994)
(Modified on 2023-07-16 13:02:24)

Stereodrome is an unfinished game by john calhoun, designed for use with anaglyph 3D glasses. It's a spiritual sequel to Stella Obscura, his experiment in monochrome stereoscopy. As a spaceship's turret gunner, you're responsible...


SpaceInvader! (1995)
(Modified on 2023-11-11 19:50:17)

Here is a new game called SpaceInvader!, I created for the Macintosh. It's a fast action "shoot em up" type game with 30 frame per second animation, currently require 8 bit (256) color/gray to run (if there's enough interest and...

Slick Willie 2.0

Slick Willie 2.0 (1995)
(Modified on 2023-10-26 17:57:49)

Slick Willie 2.0 is an action game played with the mouse.  You are Slick Willie.  You like cheeseburgers.  You really like fries, extra campaign cash, and, dare I say it in this 'enlightened' age: babes.  You don't...


Swoop (1994)
(Modified on 2021-12-14 17:04:12)

Swoop is a fast vertical shoot'em up arcade game for the Macintosh in which you battle 3D rendered aliens with a variety of powerful weapons. The gameplay is a combination of frantic rapid-fire activity and even more frantic dodging. Definitely...

Step On It! (aka Stepping Stones)

Step On It! (aka Stepping Stones) (1996)
(Modified on 2024-03-30 14:18:18)

A good arcade game excites in us those animal instincts of flight or fight. The best of them keep us poised between the two. Step On It!, Casady & Greene’s latest game, offers plenty of features devised to keep you on the...

Space Junkie

Space Junkie (1995)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 13:51:06)

Space Junkie is a nice little single player shooter.  You shoot at waves of aliens coming your way in your spaceship.  Plays entirely with the mouse.  Space Junkie is similar to Apeiron.  

Spelunky 1.3

Spelunky 1.3 (2012)
(Modified on 2023-10-17 00:34:00)

Spelunky is a non-linear platformer, where your goal is to penetrate deeper into the caves using ropes and bombs, gather treasure, and avoid traps and enemies. With fairly simple controls, a fully destructible environment, well-done...

Steel Fighters

Steel Fighters (1999)
(Modified on 2018-01-14 10:48:15)

As pure and straight-forward as game concepts come, fly around and shoot pretty much everything! Up to 8 players (three of which can be humans, sharing a keyboard) fly around the arena to best one another at side-on, pixel ship...

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