Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: HyperCard
Short HyperCard adventure game from 1995. The setting takes place in Russia. The year is 2003. Two years ago, Boris Yeltsin declared himself dictator of Russia. He soon built the devastated country into a nuclear superpower, with secret missile...
Shattered Stone
Shattered Stone is a RPG game made with HyperCard featuring B&W graphics, sound effects, some music tracks, some B&W bitmap cutscenes (lol wat!!). Shattered Stone is generally quite polished. Note: Holding shift down during the...
Sewer Trouble (HyperCard)
In Sewer Trouble, you try to unclog your drain by searching the ever so dangerous sewer system for the problem. It's a point and click HyperCard adventure game in which you navigate through B&W slides. See also in the same genre:...
Samurai Guy
Samurai Guy is a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors kind of game in which you fight an opponent (against the Mac or a friend) and where you basically plan 3 moves ahead by clicking ficticious chinese-like symbols on your side of the screen and watch the...
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