Found 23 software entries
beginning with: "I"
from category: Game Compilations
Intellivision Greatest Hits 20th Anniversary Edition
Intellivision Rocks!
Intellivision Lives!
Intellivision for 68k: Volumes 1 - 2
ITP Games Collection (German/English)
A CD of OS9 games that came bundled with a ~1999 Mac for Dummies book. Its a collection of shareware, demos, full versions, freeware, updates, tips & tricks of 68k to PPC Mac OS 9 games.
INFOCOM series OS9-friendly enhancements
Intellivision Greatest Hits 20th Anniversary Edition
Intellivision's Greatest Hits is a dream come true for kids of the 1980s who had the video game back in the day. Designed for your personal computer, it has 25 of the Intellivision games featuring the original graphics and sounds.
Inside Mac Games (1994)
Inside Mac Games CD December 1995
Inside Mac Games CD November 1995
Inside Mac Games CD October 1995
Inside Mac Games CD September 1995
Inside Mac Games CD July/August 1995
Inside Mac Games CD June 1995
Inside Mac Games CD May 1995
Inside Mac Games CD April 1995
Inside Mac Games CD March 1995
Inside Mac Games CD January/February 1995
Inside Mac Games CD December 1994
Inside Mac Games CD November 1994
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3108990 old Mac files, totaling more than 625047.5GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1398 : 239254.8MB
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