Found 13 software entries
beginning with: "V"
from category: Adventure
Versailles 1685 - Complot à la Cour du Roi Soleil (FR, EN, DE)
FRANÇAIS 1685 : voilà tout juste 3 ans que Louis XIV s'est installé avec la Cour à Versailles. Mais, en ce matin du 21 juin 1685, Monsieur Bontemps, premier Valet de chambre ordinaire de Louis XIV, vient de mettre la...
Vampire Castle
Vampire Castle is an adventure game for very early Macs, supporting speech synthesis through MacinTalk.
Victorian Park
Bandai Pippin version
Virtual Nightclub
Created by a group of London artists, musicians, and designers, Virtual Nightclub is a wild and wonderful walk-through environment of changing music, psychedelic mazes, dance, fashion, and philosophical excursions through the minds of poets and...
Vaahteramäen Eemeli
This is an interactive story from author Astrid Lingren (famous for Pippi Longstocking). It's about a boy that has blue eyes, red cheeks and flaxen hair. Eemeli looks like what you might think of as a little angel. But if you think so, you are...
Valley of Peril
Vegas Trek
A reskin of Desert Trek, included on the Macintosh Game Programming Techniques CD.
Versailles II: Le Testament
The sequel to Versailles 1685 was translated into many languages on PC, but may not have gone beyond its native French on the Mac. You play the part of Charles-Louis de Faverolles, a young nobleman and former page at the Versailles...
Valley of the Vampire
Virtual Physics: The Eggs of Time
Virtual Physics: The Eggs of Time is an educational science adventure game for Grades 6-9 that teaches children about Physics. The player starts out as a cadet, which he or she must go through a secret room to begin their mission from the Operation...
Voodoo Island
Here on Voodoo Island the player's task is to destroy the evil plot Dr. Beauvais is preparing. Voodoo Island's text parser is similar to that of another Angelsoft game, Forbidden Castle, but unlike other games by that...
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