Found 19 software entries in Games beginning with: "A" from category: Card & Casino


Accordion (1989)
(Added on 2017-01-21 13:32:15)

Accordion is a B&W card game for early Macs. How to play Accordion: Cards are dealt in a row from left to right.  Whenever a card matches its immediate neighbor to the left, or matches the card two away to the left, it may be moved...

A Farewell to Kings

A Farewell to Kings (1996)
(Added on 2016-12-24 14:19:18)

A Farewell to Kings is an unique strategic solitaire card game variant created in 1995 and programmed in 1996 both by Rob D. Steward.  Updates continued to be issued until 2008 during which years, the game was also recompiled for PPC...

Absolute Solitaire

Absolute Solitaire (1996)
(Modified on 2024-02-14 17:25:41)

For those who really don’t want to think too hard while wasting time. Absolute Solitaire offers an alternative to Eric’s and Solitaire ’Til Dawn. Most of the games are based on chance, not skill. The interface has its ups and...

Aussie Joker Poker

Aussie Joker Poker (1987)
(Modified on 2023-09-30 11:51:24)

Aussie Joker Poker is an exciting new social and family card game. You compete among players, not against the computer. Features include: Up to 90 players. Clear display of cards, results and game status. Printed and in-program rules and...

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