Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "A"
from category: Interactive Fiction
Adventure (aka Colossal Cave Adventure)
Adventure Island (text based)
Story: You were on a 7 day leisure cruise, when your ship was hit by a horrible hurricane, and it sinks. You swim for a long time, and then you see what appears to be an island aheead to the north. Maybe it's a mirage. You can also swim...
afternoon, a story
Removed for copyright reasons
A Bear's Night Out
A Bear's Night Out is a text based game for Mac in which you incarnate a child's teddy bear and come alive at night.
Adventure! is a tiny adventure game for B&W Macs. Note: The first time you launch the game, it will quickly open and close itself. Just relaunch it and it should work.
Adventureland (Z-machine)
Z-machine port of Adventureland Original Mac port
Alien Clutch
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