Found 13 software entries
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from category: Arcade
3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night
3D Ultra Pinball: Fastest Pinball in Space
3D Ultra Pinball Video Example
3D Paddle Bash!
2K5's description from the publisher: 2K5 is a fast paced 1 - 2 player fighting game for the Power Macintosh. You can play as any one of a variety of characters in either the solo-player scenario or head to head with another person over a...
3D Brick Bash
3d Brick Bash! is a three-dimensional version of the old break-out game.
9: The Last Resort
You’ve inherited an exotic artist’s retreat, an ornate Pee Wee’s Playhouse-style hotel equipped with a fabulous Muse Machine designed to restore the creative impulse. Unfortunately, the place has fallen into disrepair, and a couple...
3D Brick Bash 2.0
3D Brick Bash 2.0 is the PPC color version of 3D Brick Bash which was released 7 years before. Sounds and graphics are simple yet enjoyable in 3D Brick Bash 2.0 and there is no music in the background either. Other games in the same genre are...
1 Star Ship
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3D Toad Panic
3D Toad Panic is a fine and simple 3D Frogger implementation game for PowerPC Macs from the 90's. It does not require OpenGL to run, so it works perfectly fine under emulation. 3D Toad Panic features many levels with random cars and...
3D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent
3D Dragon Duel (aka Dragon Castle)
Dragon Castle Clear each castle by destroying the enemy dragons and monsters while avoiding spiked balls and lava pits. Unlock secret passages and earn points by collecting magical treasures. A classic favorite, in new glorious 3D! This...
3D Ultra NASCAR Pinball (aka 3D Ultra Pinball: Turbo Racing)

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