Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "V"
from category: Educational
Versailles 1685 - Complot à la Cour du Roi Soleil (FR, EN, DE)
FRANÇAIS 1685 : voilà tout juste 3 ans que Louis XIV s'est installé avec la Cour à Versailles. Mais, en ce matin du 21 juin 1685, Monsieur Bontemps, premier Valet de chambre ordinaire de Louis XIV, vient de mettre la...
Vitsie Visits Space
Virtual Physics: The Eggs of Time
Virtual Physics: The Eggs of Time is an educational science adventure game for Grades 6-9 that teaches children about Physics. The player starts out as a cadet, which he or she must go through a secret room to begin their mission from the Operation...
Vladimir Difusius: Menudo Depiste
A young boy named Vladimir is forced to return to the forest in search of a coin, when he runs into a little dragon who seems lost. Just when he was beginning to become attached to him, another dragon rises into the air and takes it away from there....
Vitsie Visits Dinosaurs
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