Found 27 software entries
beginning with: "R"
from category: Arcade
Reckless Drivin'
Redline is a 3D racing game that tosses polygons around like so many shredded tires. Race against the computer, better your score in time challenges, or run real people off of the road over the Internet. Either way, you'll experience the...
Royal Flush
Rugrats Mystery Adventures
The Rugrats Mystery Adventure is a noir style mystery game where you play as "private defective" and "pirate eye" Tommy Pickles. Help solve the mysteries surrounding the other popular characters from Rugrats!
Return to Dark Castle
Return to Dark Castle is the fourth release in the Dark Castle series and the first one for Mac OS X. See also: Dark Castle from 1986, Beyond Dark Castle from 1987, Dark Castle (Color) from 1994.
Rainbow Space Donkey Escape
You play as a rainbow space donkey, separated from your herd. Unfortunately you're in a part of space that's full of murderous evil Santas, who would like nothing more than to punch you in the nose. The aim is to make your way back to your...
Riot Nrrrd!
RingWarp is a strategic drone battle simulation game for 2 to 5 players.
Rupture The Rapture
Ricochet Lost Worlds and Infinity
Rival Ball
Rival Ball is the sequel to DX-Ball 2! ...includes timers, randomized board order, repeat board sets and net play. Supports DX-Ball 2 board-packs. Rival Ball gives you a new block breaking experience plus the added dimension of 1-on-1 split...
Rock And Roll
It's 5500 BC... As the smartest prehistoric caveman ever, you have actually invented the wheel! So the next time someone calls you a "Neanderthal" be proud! Your mission is to show your wheel to the Prehistoric Society's...
Rescue Rover
RocketBowl Plus
Richie The Gnome: Treasure Hunter
RoTyx is a Galaga-like game where the player controls a spinning object at the bottom of the screen, firing upon waves of sprites that whizz around the top. Like all of Imp89's titles, the game has a very striking look and feel and a few...
Runaround is an old B&W Tron-like game for 2 players.

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