Found 75 software entries in Games beginning with: "P" from category: Arcade


PegLeg (1994)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 18:51:21)

What's to figure out? Stuff comes down and you shoot it, try not to get hit or run in to something. the hardest part is to maintain control because your shooter tends to drift when you let go of the controls, so you are constantly correcting....

Pizza Panic

Pizza Panic (2006)
(Modified on 2024-08-27 19:54:33)

Hurry up! Grab your skateboard and race around the city of Crustville as you deliver pizzas for Mr. Ravioli, the greatest pizza chef in town. Roll your way through places like the harbour, beautiful city parks and noisy subways on your quest...

Pong: The Next Level

Pong: The Next Level (2001)
(Modified on 2023-06-05 15:16:29)

Just when you thought retro was on its way out, along comes a game sure to make former paddle pros raise an eyebrow. MacSoft's Pong is loosely based on Atari’s 1972 hit by the same name — in roughly the way one could loosely base a...

Project Magellan

Project Magellan (1998)
(Modified on 2020-08-01 07:29:49)

Two years in the making, Project Magellan is a high speed space shooter in the vein of R-Type and Raiden 2. Following this tradition, Project Magellan features fast, furious, "shoot-em-up" action with a myriad of killer enemies on the...


Polytris (1993)
(Added on 2016-04-18 13:56:03)

Polytris is a game with falling polyomino blocks, 1 to 5 connected square blocks. The objective is to stay in game by removing rows. (You don't need explanation, do you?) Tetris  is one of variations of Polytris which uses only tetrominoes,...

Pro Pinball: The Web

Pro Pinball: The Web (1995)
(Modified on 2023-04-06 15:32:01)

An impressive realism and incredible cool sound effects for this never old pinball game from 1996! The table and its challenges are accurate and extremely entertaining. Not a single flaw. Amazing game, it will keep you chained to the screen for...

Prometheus (a.k.a. Qrax)

Prometheus (a.k.a. Qrax) (1997)
(Modified on 2023-10-23 11:54:31)

Prometheus (Qrax) is an arcade game which requires swiftness, a fair amount of strategy, and a bit of luck. Throughout the game, your main goal is to capture as much territory on the playfield as possible, thereby tightening the bounding box around...

Please Shoot Me

Please Shoot Me (1996)
(Added on 2020-09-20 10:31:00)

Please Shoot Me, released in 1996 by Slovis Software. A simple shareware game in which you shoot down creatures running across the screen using your mouse cursor. You get additional weapons and encounter new types of creatures as you progress...

Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama

Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 17:15:35)

The game starts with Putt-Putt (the purple car) and Pep (his brown puppy) driving on to the screen with a bunch of balloons in Pep's mouth. Putt-Putt tells his companion to hold on to the balloons tightly, which Pep immediately lets go of by...

Paper Monsters

Paper Monsters (2012)
(Modified on 2024-12-21 09:53:48)

Paper Monsters is a platformer set in a world made of paper. It was once a happy land but then one day Lord Papyrus and his legion of paper monsters showed up doing the stuff that the bad guys usually do. Only one person can stop them, a little...


Powermanga (2015)
(Modified on 2024-12-15 18:29:49)

Powermanga Linux is an arcade 2D shoot-em-up game with 41 levels and more than 200 sprites : 60 different enemies, 40 meteors, numerous weapons, many end of level baddies, spaceship power-ups and lots of other surprises.  -...

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