Found 13 software entries in Games beginning with: "P" from category: Children, Kids

Puzzle Castle

Puzzle Castle (1996)
(Added on 2018-02-21 21:38:29)

Obscure edutainment game released in 1996 by Segasoft under their Trampoline name, and was developed by Media Station (of Disney Interactive fame) Based on the Usborne book.

Pajama Sam's Lost and Found

Pajama Sam's Lost and Found (1998)
(Modified on 2023-12-10 10:08:28)

Sam's room is a total mess and has lost some of his things throughout the lands he has visited in the past and in new areas. Now as Pajama Sam it is up to you, Sam and some old friends to travel around paths collecting puzzle pieces and...

Plates Are People Too

Plates Are People Too (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 16:59:40)

Ever wonder what the dishes and plates do after dark? 'Plates Are People Too' is a tale about a fictional town called "Platesville" - where all the different types of plates live together in harmony. ‘Barry Baking...

Putt-Putt Redt de Zoo

Putt-Putt Redt de Zoo (1996)
(Modified on 2019-08-20 12:23:29)

Putt-Putt Redt de Zoo, De dierentuin van Autostad Systeemvereisten 25 MHz 68040 of PowerPC met 8 MB RAM, 640 x 480, 256 kleuren, System 7.0 of hoger, CD-Romspeler met dubble snelheid.

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