Found 14 software entries
beginning with: "N"
from category: Strategy
NetHack is a single-player roguelike video game originally released in 1987 with ASCII graphics. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980). The player takes the part of a dungeon-delving...
Nevermind is based on the classic board game Mastermind. Here follows a brief instruction for those who don't know the rules. Imagine a code of colored dots in the row at the bottom of the Nevermind window. Your task is to figure this code...
Nobunaga's Ambition
KOEI, WE SUPPLY THE PAST, YOU MAKE THE HISTORY. Nobunaga’s AmbitionTHE STRUGGLE TO BECOME SHOGUN The Japan most people don’t know about. The warring States period of the sixteenth century. Central government was weak and...
NetFungus is a networkable board-game-like strategy game. The goal is to capture the enemy fungi by spreading out and surrounding them. Four players can play on one computer, or two players can play online. -...
NUMZUM is a pure strategy logic board game where the objective is to remove game pieces with values ranging from 15 to -9. You can only select a game piece that is in the high-lighted row or column. Careful planning and strategy is required to have...
Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku (信長の野望・将星録) with Power-Up Kit
Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku (信長の野望・将星録) is a historical simulation game released in March 1997 by Koei. It is the 7th installment in the "Nobunaga's Ambition" series.
No Greater Glory: The American Civil War
Author's Website:
Nobunaga's Ambition: Chronicles of the Ascension PUK
This is the expansion pack (Power Up Kit) for Nobunaga's Ambition: Chronicles of the Ascension (信長の野望・天) If you have the base game files, please upload them.
NetRisk 1.0
NetRisk is a B&W Risk game for Mac, except with AppleTalk support for up to 6 players!
North Atlantic 86
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