Found 90 software entries in Games beginning with: "M" from category: Arcade


Maelstrom (1992)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:45:07)

Maelstrom is a simple yet addictive arcade game in which you thrust your spaceship around the screen and dodge various space hazards while trying to destroy the meteorites flying around you. Maelstrom features color animation graphics, funny sound...

Monkey Shines

Monkey Shines (1997)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:47:35)

Awesome platformer which uses 3d models and has a level editor. Monkey Shines is an arcade-type platform game. It features a monkey (Bonzo) that must run around a number of screens collecting fruit, blue keys (if he wants to get to the bonus...

Mars Rising

Mars Rising (1997)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:46:02)

Mars Rising is a nice vertical shoot 'em up for Macintosh.  It features color graphics, background music, nice sound effects and an overall very smooth gameplay. Ambrosia’s latest is a boffo space shooter. Basically, you shoot...

Mad Dog McCree

Mad Dog McCree (1994)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:44:53)

Mad Dog McCree and his gang have kidnapped the Mayor and his daughter, and it's up to you to rescue them. You must blast through bars and bank robberies to take the gang out and save everything you regard as good and true. Where the game differs...


MacPinball (2007)
(Added on 2024-02-29 15:28:02)

Extremely entertaining 3D Pinball game with lots of amazing effects and options. Enjoy MacPinball’s sleek design and cool features, solo or competing in a 2 players mode.

Ms. MacPerson

Ms. MacPerson (1997)
(Modified on 2023-11-16 17:10:12)

Before MAME, there was only one way to play Ms. Pacman on a Mac, it was this homage/remake by Tom Lakovic. It was incredibly polished, featuring 3d graphics (all pre-rendered in the style of DK Country), with a fit and finish that was reminiscent of...


MacBrickout (1993)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 15:00:37)

MacBrickout is an Arkanoid type of game.  It features color graphics and sound effects. The MacBrickout download also comes with the 5KB MacBrickout 0.0 prototype application (which runs way too fast on modern hardware)  


Mac-Challenger (1985)
(Modified on 2021-12-14 14:25:46)

MacChallenger is a simulation of landing the Space Shuttle.  The parameters (glide slope, stall speeds etc.) were based on Nasa documents.  Unique features (Version 2) include an autopilot, weather, and an "after action" video...

Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time

Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time (1995)
(Modified on 2020-08-30 02:50:13)

Unlike anything ever. Maddeningly hard. Completely non linear non sensical unforgettable. The pythonizer had my computer spouting english every time I downloaded or printed or erred or typed until it wasnt funny and I deleted it. Now I want it back!...


Macman (1992)
(Modified on 2020-03-13 15:21:59)

Macman is a PacMan clone for 68K Macs.  It only features B&W graphics and not many sound effects, but the gameplay is smooth and very similar to the original arcade game. This is not to be confused with Super Macman II released the same...


MozPong (1998)
(Modified on 2017-01-07 11:50:59)

MozPong is a pimped out game similar to Breakout packed with extra perks.  MozPong features pre-rendered 3D graphics, background music and sound effects.  The objective in MozPong is to move your character (MozMoz-kun) at the bottom of the...

Meat Gone Bad

Meat Gone Bad (1996)
(Modified on 2016-09-09 03:41:46)

Meat Gone Bad is an arcade game similar to Space Invaders but with even more action.  You're a mustard container squirting at various meats going bad, trying to dodge salad and such.  Meat Gone Bad is fast paced and features multiple...

Marble Blast Gold

Marble Blast Gold (2003)
(Modified on 2024-10-26 16:07:35)

Marble Blast Gold is an arcade action game with simple yet addictive gameplay, suitable for players of any age. In the rich cartoon landscape of Marble Blast Gold, players will race their marbles through moving platforms, dangerous...

Mortal Pongbat

Mortal Pongbat (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-18 17:50:45)

Mortal Pongbat is Pong, taken to a whole new level of vicious, friend-losing fun. Take original, plain vanilla Pong, add the following features, shake vigorously and you get Mortal Pongbat: 1. Really cool graphics and effects 2. Neato nifty...

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