Found 29 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: 3rd Person
Myth II: Soulblighter
Myth II: Soulblighter is a real-time tactics game, and as such, unlike the gameplay in real-time strategy games, the player does not have to engage in resource micromanagement or...
Math Blaster 6-9
Spot and Blasternaut are preparing for a journey aboard their spaceship, only to find that the ship is not functional. Blasternaut, jumping to conclusions, sends Spot to repair a mechanism known as the "polytronic combustion regulator" and...
Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe
This is another updated version of Mixed-Up Mother Goose. This version has a new set of graphics, but more "visibly," a redone soundtrack that has all of the nursery rhymes played in different musical styles. - (MobyGames)
MacGolf Classic
Any Macintosh user who is also a to give MacGolf a try. But be prepared to rack up some high scores when starting out; this game requires thought and practice. In my first ten games, I had a couple of rounds over 200 and no rounds under 100. Yet...
Max Payne
Ambush! Bad guys come pouring through doors, blasting you from all directions. In a panic, you hit the Bullet Time button. Everything freezes. Action grinds to a crawl. Bad guys and their lazy bullets move like molasses. Spent shell casings float...
Ported by Shokwave Software. On a good day, only 2.5 billion people will die. Your planet is being bulldozed by the ton. Six massive mobile cities, controlled by a force that nobody can stop, are strip-mining the Earth's surface,...
Math Workshop Deluxe
Madden NFL 2000
Football video game by Electronic Arts and THQ. Before we start our review of Madden NFL 2000, let’s just take a moment to revel in the simple fact that a commercial football simulation has been released for the Mac. This may not seem...
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
The greatest of the seventh level Monty Python games of which I know of at least 5. Almost never finished them this one included; you spend half the game collecting things, then must put them all back, and then have to cross a this...
Even if you've never been on a racquetball court, you'll spark to the excitement of this challenging, completely accurate simulation. You can work up a sweat without even putting on your Reeboks. MacRacquetball turns your Macintosh screen...
Myth III: The Wolf Age
Math Blaster 9-12
Math Blaster 9-12 is an educational math game with a focus on primary math skills expected of the aforementioned age group, including multiplication & division, fractions, and pattern-recognition. The game is an Adventure/RPG, with 3...
MitterNachtsSpiel - Der Kreativ-Spielplatz
Max and the Secret Formula
Oh no! The leaning tower of Lisa is in danger of collapsing! Only Max's uncle Pong, the world-famous inventor, can save it with his secret formula. However, it's so secret that even Uncle Pong can't remember where it is hidden (not...
Masterpiece Mansion
Madeline Rainy Day Activities
Madeline’s Rainy Day Activities, the latest product in Creative Wonders’ Madeline line, is educational software for children four years old and up. Although all young children can benefit from the activities, Madehne’s subject...
Mafia II: Director's Cut
Monsters In My Backyard

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