Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: Roguelike
Moria is a member of the roguelike RPGs. It features several innovations, like a town level and dungeons levels that are bigger than one screen, and was the first open-source and freeware roguelike. The goal of Moria is...
Mission: Thunderbolt
Some say the best computer games are those that cause players to lose sleep, shun family and friends, and neglect vital aspects of personal hygiene. “I made myself wretched for six days!” an adolescent identified only by initials might...
Mac Rogue 3.0
Mac Rogue 3.0 is a kind of addictive and cute turn based rogue game for Mac.
MAngband Client & Server
MAngband is a free online multiplayer real-time roguelike game, derived from the single player game Angband. To win the game you must build up a character, selected from any one of 10 races and 6 classes, to be powerful enough to defeat...

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