Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "L"
from category: Game Editors, Mods & Tools
Labyrinth Editor
Year: 1992
(Modified on 2024-11-17 12:24:49)
Level 9 Interpreter
Year: 2004
(Modified on 2023-05-09 18:42:27)
This program can be used to play the extracted data files from any of the Level 9 text adventure games of the '80s.
Learn to Program BASIC
Year: 1998
(Modified on 2021-12-14 08:44:14)
Lemmings Cheat
Year: 1993
(Modified on 2017-09-29 14:45:59)
Lemmings Cheat lets you cheat in the orignal early 90's Lemmings game.
4 record(s)
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