Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "L"
from category: Sports
Links Pro
Golf is a sport that translates well to computer simulation — no teammates to pass to, no opponent to throw you a curve, just you and the course. I've played the digital-golf circuit over the years, on a variety of computer platforms, and...
Links LS
Golf sims are few and far between on the Mac. Sure, they abound for the PC, but only Access Software consistently ports its strong Links series. And while this Links LS trails a year behind the PC version, it’s still the best golf action on...
Links Championship Edition
Fore! Golf addicts are screaming more than errant-ball warnings — we’re screaming with joy over the Mac arrival of Links 2001, the Arnold Palmer Course Designer, Links Expansion Pack, and four Championship Edition courses — a...
Links LS 2000
Not only did the Scots invent radar, television, tarmac, and penicillin, but they also invented the game of golf. Alternately called the ruination of a good walk and a giant waste of real estate, the latter invention is nevertheless one of the most...
Locus is a virtual reality sports game where you race at break-neck speed through the unimaginable geometries that compose the Locus arenas. With next gen 32-bit game engine and first-person fast game action you make your way though 12 challenging...
LCD Football DA
Lets Go Fishing
A low key Hypercard stack which sees the player go fishing at Lake Ernie. Buy equipment and bait, pick a spot to sit and try to land a big one. You can sell what you catch to the local resturaunt or fish market. This is PowerMac...
Links 5-Course Libraries
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