Found 10 software entries
beginning with: "L"
from category: Platform
Lode Runner: The Legend Returns
A resurrection of the original classic platform game with a number of updates such as one and two player options, detailed graphics, character moves, a level editor, and music with sound effects. Besides running from some red-toga wearing "Mad...
Lunar Commando
Lunar Commando is an unique arcade/action shareware game for Macintosh. It's a hybrid between Missile Command and BurgerTime-ish meaning half of the level you aim and shoot rockets at descending spaceships using the left and right cannons...
Lode Runner
Iconic platformer arcade game for the first Macintosh. An arcade-style game that pits galactic commando against a gang of guards in a quest to recover stolen chests of gold froi the Bungeling Empires treasury. Each of the game’s 150...
Lemmings/Oh No! More Lemmings
Lemmings is a puzzle–strategy video game where the objective is to guide a group of anthropomorphised lemmings through a number of obstacles to a designated exit.
LBreakout 2
The successor to LBreakout offers you a new challenge in more than 50 levels with loads of new bonuses (goldshower, joker, explosive balls, bonus magnet ...), maluses (chaos, darkness, weak balls, malus magnet ...) and special bricks (growing...
LTris is a tetris clone. Pieces consisting of four blocks are dropping down and need to be stacked so that lines are completed. Pieces can be shifted left/right or rotated. Completed lines get removed. The more lines at once the more score you get....
L'Abbaye des Morts
In the 13th century, the Cathars, clerics who preached about the poverty of Christ and defended life without material aspirations, were treated as heretics by the Catholic Church and expelled out of the Languedoc region in France. One of them,...
LÖVE Game Collection
Lode Runner On-Line: The Mad Monks' Revenge
Larm's Adventure
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