Found 9 software entries
beginning with: "I"
from category: Board Game
Ishidō: The Way of Stones
Ishido is a first-class strategy game in the "a minute to learn, a lifetime to master” tradition. One object of the game is to empty the 50 tiles from your “pouch” onto the 100 squares of the playing hoard. Naturally,...
Investigator No.1
Investigator No. 1 is an early detective game where you have to solve murder mysteries. Not too easy, since you're on a tight budget... Registration code: 6931
iMac Memory
iMacMemory is a memory game with different iMac pictures as cards. The game has a highscore list with the top five scores. The gamefield must be cleared before the time expires. This is how the score works: -10 if you flip a pair that doesn't...
Interactive Fiction Collection
A collection of text adventure games made before the year 2000, they all run in the Zip Infinity app, which is included. This text based games collection consists of: Advent (the first adventure game ever) Curses Delusions For a...
iSmon as a taste of iMachromania: Think Different Colors, a celebration the new flavored iMacs from Apple Computer. The iMachromania suite includes five iMac-inspired adaptations of classic games • iSmon...
Il Ladro di Merendine
iMill Lite
Indovina 1.0
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