Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "I"
from category: Sports
Ingemar's Skiing Game
Slalom game for two or more players. When I first heard about MacSki, I was a bit worried, wondering if it would make ISG (which was then at version 0.9) obsolete, but when I tried it, I found that the two games have the emphasis on...
International Tennis Open
More of a simulation than an action game, with a multimedia showcase (the game's got thousands of mini-videos, voiceovers, etc.). You select one of 9 nations to represent and get to play singles against a variety of opponents (no doubles...
IndyCar Racing II
Racing games have come a long way since the days of the old arcade game Pole Position, and maybe none have come further than IndyCar Racing II. You’re probably thinking, “So how much different can racing games be? You just push the...
It's the Big Game, Charlie Brown!
In "It's the Big Game, Charlie Brown!", the titular character and Snoopy wander around the neighborhood as they try to assemble a baseball team.
Islands Mini-Golf
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