Found 15 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Point & Click
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure, or simply Garage, was a Japanese PC/Macintosh point-and-click game developed by Kinotrope and directed by Tomomi Sakuba released in early 1999 with a limited release of 3000 units. Content The game features...
Gadget: Past as Future (ガジェット 完全版)
A surreal video game from the 90's from Japanese director Hiruhiko Shono - often classified as a 'visual novel' or 'interactive movie' for its lack of any real gameplay and focus on an extremely loose story set in a retro-future.
Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure (ガジェット) [English and Japanese]
Gadget puts you in a strange surreal world were a comet appears to be heading for the earth. Most people dismiss this situation since apparently it won't collide with us, however a group of scientists scramble to develop a way to stop this...
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is an adventure game set in present-day New Orleans.
Grackon's Curse
Get Ready for School, Charlie Brown!
Goblins 3
Goblins 3 is the 3rd installment of the Gobliiins series created by Muriel Tramis and Pierre Gilhodes created in 1991. The concept of the game is the same, it's a point and click adventure game. In this version, Blount gets help from...
Geneforge 1 – Mutagen
Geneforge 1 – Mutagen is a unique, truly open-ended fantasy adventure in a strange, new world. It offers unmatched freedom in how you play. Use magic or your deadly pets to crush your enemies. Or, use trickery, diplomacy, and stealth to...
Gary the Swamp Frog's Great Geometry Adventure
Great Adventures Wild Western Town
Gregory and the Hot Air Balloon
Gregory Chuckwood, and his pet lizard Newt (who has a strange dog complex) get trapped in a runaway hot-air balloon that hits ground near a carnival. Kids learn problem-solving skills as they help Gregory and Newt get home by scouring the carnival...
Green Bear
Green Bear paints his house to celebrate spring. But when he mows his lawn, the green grass sticks to the wet paint! It's a good thing Green Bear likes green best! Also in this series: Red Rhino, Blue Tortoise, Yellow...
Gary Gadget building Boats (Dutch edition)
Get Rich Quick
Oversee the epic adventure of Joe Average, as he attempts to scrounge together enough money to pay his rent
Guus in Cyberopolis
Dutch point&click educational kids game English version is known as "Gus Goes to Cyberopolis"
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