Found 2 software entries in Games beginning with: "G" from category: Creative

Gryphon Bricks

Gryphon Bricks (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-15 13:32:06)

You’d think we’d pass a toy like this on to the Brisbane Elementary School and let the kids have at it. Wrong. We kept it to ourselves, and tore open the box as soon the developers left the building. Bricks is exactly what it sounds...


Gerbils! (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-14 22:48:10)

Pangea Software's first foray into 3D. This is a roller coaster simulator with cute little gerbils as the cars. Customise the track and change the skin to see them whizzing around on all sorts of routes. This was an early example of what...

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