Found 9 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Card & Casino
Gamble Game
First try to win some points on the machine, then you can choose to collect the points or play a game (click on the question marks). If you win this game you'll get points (1-10), if you lose you'll lose points as well (1-10)
Game Parlor
Golf 2.0
Gin Rummy
Golf Solitaire
Gallery 2.0 (card game)
Gallery is a card game that you play against the Mac AI.
Golf 1.0
The original Golf solitaire card game for early Macintosh models. It features sound and drag and drop.
Golf 5.1
Golf 5.1 is a solitaire game featuring sound effects, card move animation, customizable background color. See also a previous version: Golf 2.0
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