Found 9 software entries in Games beginning with: "G" from category: Sports

Goofy Golf Deluxe

Goofy Golf Deluxe (1999)
(Modified on 2023-05-18 15:47:41)

Essentially an updated version of a popular Squeegee shareware tide, Goofy Golf Deluxe is a computer simulation of that great American pastime — miniature golf. Up to four players control their own golfers and take turns putting the ball into...

Grand Slam: World Class Tennis

Grand Slam: World Class Tennis (1986)
(Modified on 2023-02-23 13:48:13)

Grand Slam started life as a simple tennis game with initial programming done by MacroMind (MusicWorks, ArtGrabber, VideoWorks, etc.). But Tom Maremaa, a former professional tennis player, took the product over and decided to create a true tennis...

Game Room

Game Room (2001)
(Modified on 2023-12-14 05:25:22)

Sierra’s GameRoom provides an entertaining frolic through six classic parlor games, offering enough variety and fun to keep any hyperactive kid (or adult) entertained for hours. You can play pinball, darts, pool, table tennis, table hockey,...

Golf Mac Way

Golf Mac Way (1987)
(Added on 2017-07-18 10:58:23)

Golf Mac Way is a simple golf simulation game.  You can choose your club type and size and swing.  There are a couple B&W sceneries and that's about it.  There is no animation besides the 2-frames flag weaving :P  

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