Found 47 software entries in Games beginning with: "G" from category: Arcade

Glider 2.02

Glider 2.02 (1989)
(Modified on 2021-11-08 07:14:32)

Glider 2.0 was John Calhoun's second edition of Glider, the classic Macintosh paper plane action game. The complete source code for Glider 2.0 was available to Pascal programmers.  


Glimmer (1997)
(Modified on 2016-02-27 11:39:16)

Glimmer is a very unique Mac game experience in which you need to wear 3D glasses (the old red/blue ones) in order to see and move in the stereoscopic 3D video game.  Glimmer combines the 3-D technology of the 1950's-red-blue movie...

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