Found 20 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Strategy
Command an army of toolbots, with the goal of building up your territory, destroying opposing forces and hacking your rivals into oblivion. Gridz is a unique strategy title boasting colourful graphics, addictive gameplay and a cast of 15 different...
Galactic Empire
Galactic Empire: You are asked to unite the twenty planets of the galaxy, by force, before civilization decays. You can utilize planetary resources to build fighters, spy satellites, and transports, recruit soldiers for ground forces,...
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Giants : Citizen Kabuto, jeu d'action/stratégie sorti sur PC et Mac.Vous propose de vous plonger dans un monde où les Meccaryns, les Marines, et Kabuto se battent pour avoir la possession de l'île....
Galactic Frontiers
Gorky 17 (aka Odium)
Ghost Master
Galactic Conquest
Conquer the Galaxy and the quickest way to do that is by attacking those otherwise friendly planets around your own.
Galactic Trader
Galactic Trader: Your great grandfather united the twenty planets, but the current Emperor is strangling it for his benefit. You must raise one billion credits in order to finance a revolution to save the crumbling Empire. The only...
Galactica: Anno Dominari
Green Berets
They are called Quiet Professionals. Dedicated volunteers who braved unlimited dangers behind enemy lines to rain destruction upon the forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Armies. Often, the odds were against them. They are the Green...
Galactic Core
Gearheads CD
Gearheads sees you winding up toys and attempting to march them from one side of the play area to the other. There are 12 to choose from, and they all play very differently so be strategic in your selection. Play againsed a human or AI oponent...
Gold of the Americas
Gollo Obo
Gates of Troy
Gearheads sees you winding up toys and attempting to march them from one side of the play area to the other. There are 12 to choose from, and they all play very differently so be strategic in your selection. Play againsed a human or AI oponent...
Galactica 1.1.2
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