Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "G"
from category: Shooter
Year: 2004
(Modified on 2024-09-11 11:51:59)
Take a trip to the Zone with Llamasoft, in the twitch gaming shoot 'em up classic Gridrunner++. Face wave after wave of increasingly ferocious and insane opponents in glorious, retina scorching, psychedelic themed parallax scrolling levels....
Year: 1998
(Modified on 2024-09-05 16:32:09)
「巨人戦機 GIANTS」体験版 高速縦スクロールシューティング 万能兵器「全方位レーザー」を使いこなせ! ※激辛シューティングです -...
Game Invaders 襲来
Year: 2000
(Added on 2018-09-20 04:25:14)
Simple Space Invaders style shooting game, but the bullet you shot will fall towards you.
3 record(s)
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