Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "F"
from category: Game Editors, Mods & Tools
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
Freddy Pharkas was one of the fastest guns in the American West of the 1880's. However, in one particular gunfight with an outlaw named Kenny, he was outgunned and had his ear shot off. This traumatic experience caused Freddy to give up his...
Fallout 2 Survival Kit
The Fallout 2 Survival Kit is a save game editor for the Fallout series by Interplay/Macplay. Originally developed in the Summer of 2002 and released as a statistic editor for Fallout 2, the F.2.S.K. can now edit nearly every attribute about a...
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures
A highly customisable RPG, contains an editor allowing you to create new dungeons, characters and monsters. Mods available at:
Forge is a game editing program that was released on the Marathon Infinity CD by Bungie inc for the Marathon series of games. It is compatible with Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity.
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