Found 9 software entries
beginning with: "F"
from category: Card & Casino
Four Seasons
Freecell (for OSX)
Freecell for Mac OS X See also: FreeCell for Mac OS Classic
Fairway Solitaire
Pull out your clubs (and your diamonds, hearts and spades) and enjoy a round of Fairway Solitaire! This exciting new card game includes 70 unique courses in locations ranging from exotic forests to Scottish highlands. Choose your golfer and...
A disk containing four games: Klondike Solitaire, King Albert Solitaire, Sevens, and Four in a Row. You use the mouse to move playing cards (or game pieces in Four in a Row) across the plaving surface. Nielson, Erfert (Ed). (November 1984)....
FunkyPoker is a very simplistic poker hand deal game since you only play against yourself. FunkyPoker gives you 100$ to start, then you're dealt five cards. Then you hold some of them and finally you're dealt a second time to...
Farkle 2.0
The object is to score points by rolling combinations of dice, until one player scores over the 'game' score. There is, however, a bit of strategy and luck about how far you should press your luck.
Fifteen cards is a B&W cards game where you have to discard groups whose cards values total fifteen. In Fifteens, the cards are dealt face up in three rows of five cards each. Discard kings, queens, jacks, and tens in quartets of the...
FreeCell for Classic Mac OS. See also: Freecell for Mac OS X
Forty Thieves
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